

Segregation and treatment of sectional waste streams

The following streams are segregated and treated separately:

1. High TDS water – Soak liquor

2. Chrome liquor

3. All other combined effluent

4. Segregation of sammying liquor to CRU

A view of segregation method adopted for collecting different sectional waste streams-

Chilled Hides Processing

  • For every tonne of raw hides, this method saves salt discharge of minimum of 3000 kg into environment.
  • TDS reduction by 50% in overall effluent

Unloading chilled hides from refrigerated container

A view of segregation method adopted for collecting different sectional waste streams-

Water saver for fleshing machines

  • Consists of the solenoid valve, relay, limit switch, butterfly valves
  • Machine idle time: 40%
  • Savings in water: 40%, 2 KL/tonne of raw material

Water saver installed in a fleshing machine (above)

A view of solenoid valve for controlling water flow to the fleshing machine (right)

Water Measurement

  • Electromagnetic flow meters with batching control for measuring flow of water automatically
  • Soaking and liming are in drums to reduce water consumption
  • Reduction of water by 20%

Electromagnetic flow meter with batching control

Artificial recharge through pond adoption

  • AKI India commits to give back the water to the nature more than the its consumption

Building Green Belt in Premises